What is CALMIX?

To prevent the fruit from decomposing, it is important to provide a sufficient amount of
calcium and micro nutrients to the fruits. CALMIX is a product based on a mixture of
calcium and micro nutrients in a specially designed process, helping the plants to absorb
calcium in a higher speed to protect the fruits from pathogens, prevent decaying, and
enhance performance in storage.


Characteristics and Effects

1. CALMIX is a mixture of chelated calcium and micro nutrients. Designed with a completely
different chemical composition compared to existing calcium agents, the product serves.
as a calcium agent that slows decaying and enhances storage performances as well as a micro nutrients agent.
2. It is not easy to transport calcium and micro nutrients from the leaves to the fruits. 
CAMIX is designed to speed up this process through chelating.
3. The product enhances calcium absorption during the fruit set period to prevent softening or
vulnerability against diseases during the fruit development phase. Also, it supports growth
and leaf-color of new plants to prevent physiological disorders due to the shortage of micro nutrients.
4. Apply this product during the maturing phase to make the fruits more solid and sweeter.
5. The reach supply of magnesium and sulfur will help formation of chlorophyll and make the
taste of the fruit richer.

How to Use