Liquid Warm-Mix additive [ECON WM1-200PL]

- This product can be used for wide temperature range from 100℃ to 130℃. At the same time, 

economic benefits from energy saving and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are also achieved.

Warm-Mix asphalt additives of NH Corporation can lower the working temperature by 30℃ while maintaining the quality as good as hot-mix asphalt mixture.

This product can be used as Hot-Mix asphalt mixture, ECOM WM1-200PL has the function of anti-stripping.

How to use


Physical properties

Test item

Test result

When applying ECON WM1-200PL, utilizing a specially designed feeding device can be very good for workability.
· Dosage : 0.5% of the asphalt content.
ex – When 50Kg of asphalt is used to manufacture 1ton of asphalt mixture, the dosage of ECON WM1-200PL is 250g

Please keep at 0 ~ 30℃
Maintain the storage temperature below 60℃

Amine value



1000 ~ 3000

Specific gravity(25℃)

0.93 ~ 0.99


Yellow, liquid viscous

Flash point

> 190℃

● Performance evaluation of ECON WM1-200PL

-TSR Test & Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test

 The test is based on KS F2396(Standard practice for recovery of asphalt from solution using rotary evaporator)

 The test of tensile strength from external shock to mixture. (moisture & unpollinated treatment)

 The mixtures which are used for surface and middle layer have to be over 80% of TSR. If they are not on that spec, anti-stripping additive must be used.

● DIT Test (Dynamic Immersion test)

 This test is based on European Standard (EN-12697-11). Determination of the affinity between aggregate and bitumen.

 The method of test : Using the coated aggregates put into 25℃ water, and spin on 60 rpm for 6 hours and 24 hours. Check conditions of aggregates.

 If they are under 50%, anti-stripping additive must be used. (Standard of Ministry of Land Korea)

● Construction case of Warm-Mix [ECON WM1-200PL] I

● Construction case of Warm-Mix [ECON WM1-200PL] II

- Daegu Metropolitan Facilities Management Corporation

 The pulling site, where has big traffic is chosen by Daegu Metropolitan Facilities Management Corp. The reason is Warm-Mix additive has a function of anti-stripping.

 Pulling time :: 6 hours 30 minutes.(Started at 22:00 on 24th, Ended at 05:00 on 25th)

 Amount of using Warm-Mix additive : 72Kg (Dosage : 0.6% of asphalt)

● The expectation and environmental effects of ECON WM1-200PL

-Environmental effect of ECON WM1-200PL

 For road pavement, compared to Hot-Mix asphalt concrete when Warm-Mix with NH's additive. 

There is reducing effect of NOx(nitrogen oxides), SOx(Sulfur oxides) and fine dust in the air.

 In Korea, there is reducing effect of 73.4% carbon monoxide, 72% nitrogen oxide and 41.7% sulfur oxides when Warm-Mix pavement.

 In foreign, there is reducing effect of 77% fine dust when Warm-Mix pavement.

-Reduction of Effluent gas

Effluent Gas

HMA (Hot Mix Asphalt)

WMA (Warm Mix Asphalt)

Reduction Ratio(%)





















● Comparative analysis between Liquid type and Powder type additives


Liquid Warm-Mix additive (NH)

Powder Warm-Mix additive

Input Method

Plant mix

Needed injection equipment.(about $13,000), Input A/P measuring tank

Plant mix

Needed exclusive silo(around $40,000),
Input Mixer

A/P Pre-mix

Applicable(Hyundai Oil bank, GSC : now on testing)

A/P Pre-mix

Non applicable


250 ~ 300g per 1ton of asphalt concrete
(0.5% ~ 0.6% of A/P)

1KG per 1ton of asphalt concrete

Economic feasibility

Price : 9,000won/KG,
Price per ton : 2,250~2,700won

Price : 3,100won/KG,
Price per ton : 3,100won

Working environment

Reduction effect of 77% fine dust

Powder state with lots of dust Poor working environment


Ease of use when applying to Pre-mix

None applicable to A/P Pre-mix


Liquid type additive has better jet force than powder type.
When pave road with liquid type shows excellent performance.
Warm mix and Anti-Stripping effects.

Powder type has worse get force than liquid type.
When pave road with powder type shows performance degradation.
There is no Anti-Stripping effect.