HPC ® Coating

- Get “high” heat protection that surpasses conventional insulation with HPC™ Coating. HPC™ Coating is a ceramic based, water-borne insulating coating designed to insulate in high temperature situations. Use HPC™ Coating as a base coat/primer or build layers for additional protection.

● General

- For industries that depend on optimum heating systems, HPC® Coating presents an innovative and efficient solution. HPC® Coating is formulated to prevent the loss of conductive and convective heat from pipe and vessel surfaces. This capability maintains the overall heat of any fluid or gas within a pipe or vessel and allows the process to operate more efficiently.This insulation method is much different than the traditional “wrap” insulation materials that only slow down the loss of heat (known as an R-rating or “heat transfer”). The eight ceramic compounds create a barrier to catch and hold heat on the surface of the unit, e.g. pipe, furnace surface, boiler, etc. Unlike wraps that use air as the insulation component, the ceramic compounds in HPC™ Coating resist absorbing heat trying to come off the surface to escape. This traps and holds the heat onto the surface for more effective insulation performance.

● Features

HPC® Coating will hold heat in a “transmission pipe” for longer distances than traditional insulation systems and will effectively maintain interior temperatures and reduce emissions for a hotter burn
▶ Easy to Apply
 Increased Insulation
 Long Lasting

● Competitiveness

 Chemical Protection 
 Concrete Protection
 Energy Savings 
 Floor Protection 
 Fuel Cost on Reefers 
 Heat Reduction
 LEED Program 
 Metal Rusting & Corrosion
 Roof Protection 
 Underwater Protection

* HPC® Coating replaces fibrous wraps and blankets and stops CUI from ever developing.
In today’s age of increasing energy efficiencies, industries need innovative, high-heat solutions that will stand the test of time.

● Application

  HPC® Coating can be applied to a variety of surfaces with interior temperatures up to 900˚F (482˚C), such as steam pipes, hot gas pipes, hot storage tanks and oil or gas transmission pipes.

● Top Companies using HPC® Coating

  Implement the performance capabilities of HPC® Coating in your systems today and see why so many industries are choosing to switch to
HPC® Coating to reduce energy and maintenance costs for the foreseeable future.
LG Chemicals, Drydocks World, Vancouver Shipyards, Gazprom Oil
Ecopetrol, Saipem, S.P.A., Pemex Oil, Saudi Aramco Oil, Formosa Plastics