Super Therm®

- Super Therm® has a blend of four unique low-density ceramics that repel solar radiational heat by matching/blocking heat waves.
With SuperTherm®, you can combat visual, ultraviolet and infrared light to block 95% of radiational heat load.

● General

- Super Therm® is the most effective and longest lasting ceramic insulation coating on the market today (showing 10 year rechecking of roofing showing no drop in performance, even though they are dirty). It’s a ceramic-based (using 4 different ceramic compounds specifically selected to block radiation), water-borne insulating coating designed to block heat load, moisture penetration, and air infiltration over a surface – all while reducing important energy costs. Super Therm® reflects over 95% of the three radiation sources from the sun: ultraviolet, visual light and infrared rays.

● Features

▶ Blocks Moisture and Air Infiltration 
 Environmentally Friendly 
 Class A Fire Rating
 Long Lasting  
 Combats convection, conduction and radiation
 Repels heat through reflection
 More than 20 years of life expectancy
 Designed and tested under extreme temperatures (minus 60° to plus 140° F ambient air temperature)
 Ease of installation
 Blocks humidity and wind-driven rain
 Blocks wind and air infiltration

● Competitiveness

 Chemical Protection 
 Concrete Protection
 Energy Savings 
 Floor Protection 
 Fuel Cost on Reefers 
 Heat Reduction
 LEED Program 
 Metal Rusting & Corrosion
 Roof Protection 
 Underwater Protection

● Application

  Super Therm® resists the loading of surface heat over the envelope of a building to stop heat load before it starts. Traditional insulation ignores heat transfer through radiation and convection and does not repel heat produced by the full spectrum of sunlight. roof, pipe line, oil, gas and chemical storage tanks, Storage Vehicle, livestock stocking.

● Top Companies using SUPER THERM®

  Mitsubishi, Nissan, Panasonic, General Dynamics, Hoover Dam, HEB Grocery Company, Trucking – Refrigeration Trailers Major Oil Firms – Worldwide, Halliburton Company, Drydocks World, Vodafone Group PLC, Home Builders U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy