● What is DOL LIME? 

- A natural CaO-MgO fertilizer to neutralize acid soil

▶ Process :
 Contents :
CaO 25%, MgO 14% , Alkalinity 51%

● Characteristics and Effects

1. Granules granulated with fine powders are easily disintegrated to penetrate into soil
2. High alkalinity neutralizes acid soil into the optimal condition for crop cultivation
3. Prevent physiological damages from poor absorption and soil salinity
4. High-concentrated CaO and MgO strengthen plant cells to improve the generation of chlorophyll
5. Excellent work-efficiency in machine/hand works without dusts

● How to Use

1. It is required to measure alkalinity to adjust soil acidity before application of CaOMgO fertilizer
2. Despite of the same pH index, dosage depends on soil condition, plough layer, etc.
3. Given alkalinity, at least 2 weeks are required after the application of other fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate,
ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, fused super phosphate, chicken manure due to reduction of efficacy
4. Soil incorporation is required before cultivation
5. Excessive dosage per one time might cause the solidification of soil. 
It is recommended to use no more than 300kgs per one time for 1,000m2
6. After adjustment to proper pH index, there is no need to use every year, and 50kgs per 3~4years are enough

● Dosage

To increase pH 1.0 of soil from 30cm below

Soil pH control is essential for crop nutrition
Optimal pH for crop growth is around 6.5

What happens from acid soil?
 Poor absorption of N, P, K Ca, and Mg
 Mo deficiency - Fixed N in plants
  Alumium Intoxication - Fixed P in plants
 Mn intoxication - Withering of old leaves
 Poor microbial activities in soil - Destruction of eco-system.
 pH 6~7 is optimal, earthworms cannot survive below pH 4 

- Reason of Acid Soil
 H+ ion occurs during unfermented organic matters’decomposition 
 H+ ion occurs During ammonium(urea, ammonium sulphate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate)’s conversion into nitrate
 H+ ion occurs when roots absorb cations from Ca, K, Mg, etc. 
 When elements such as N, Cl, S are leached by moisture