Boiler chemical

● Summary

- System boiler water caused by scale, corrosion, such as carry-over failure of the three. These disorders are poor thermal efficiency of the boiler leads to a huge waste of energy be of course, if the pipe expansion or rupture due to severe production will cause a huge hindrance. These analyzes the characteristics of the boiler water-based Program to recommend the most appropriate water treatment and the efficient use of energy by the boiler through life to realize the stable operation.

● Chemicals applied to the boiler Program

● One-Pack treatment

- This applies to small and medium-sized factory building and the oxygen scavenger, scale inhibitors, pH control agents at the same time it contains corrosion and scale inhibition and, at the same time, the boiler water quality in accordance with the System and Application of water is determined
▶ Representative items : WT-520, 530 etc. 500 Series
 Use : Integrated boiler corrosion and scale inhibition

● Internal Treatment

- Low pressure / high pressure boiler scale inhibitor for industrial training and insufficient water supply treatment, internal corrosion inhibiting scale formation and maintain the clean water pipe
  Representative items : WT-8011, 8000 Series
 Use : Prevent corrosion and scale boiler

● Oxygen Scavenger

- Boiler System of the largest substance-induced corrosion and to remove dissolved oxygen, free radicals or radical stabilizes picked-up, the boiler Metal protective film (Protective Film) to form the corrosion inhibited
  Representative items : WT-7010, 7020, 7030 etc. 7000 Series
  Use : Removal of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide gas through the corrosion protection

● pH Condensate Treatment

- System condensing boiler is the largest cause material corrosion by CO2 and O2 CO2 pH to prevent corrosion inhibiting degradation products clean and safe keeping the condensate pipe
 Representative items : WT-9010, 9030 etc. 9000 Series
 Use : PH due to CO2 and O2, and corrosion inhibitors prevent degradation

● Kept filled with water first

- Tissue during long-term use of the boiler and excellent corrosion effects are easy to handle and less toxic
 Representative items : WT-6010 etc. 6000 Series
 Use : Boiler corrosion and scale inhibition during long-term tissue