4-Cycle oils | BLANDO®
▶ BLANDO 4-cycle oils are excellent for motor cycle oils that show optimum performance as a four season all-weather one. They are 4 stroke motor cycle engine oils for all seasons.
▶ They minimize ring sticking and spark plug fouling and effectively control engine wear and also provide excellent rust protection.
Model | Base oils | Specific gravity @15/4°C | Kinematic viscosity cSt | Viscosity Index | Flash Point (°C) | PourPoint (°C) |
@40°C | @100°C |
BLANDO 4T M | Mineral | 0.856 | 82.0 | 13.0 | 153 | 230 | -37.5 |
BLANDO 4T S | Synthetic Ester | 0.849 | 87.7 | 14.3 | 170 | 230 | -39 |