The H beam extraction coating agent is the one used to extract and collect the H beam which has been used in the case of constructing continuous wall method such as the sheeting temporary facility retaining wall CIP method (Cast In Concrete Pile), SCW method (soil cement method), or cast-in-place concrete pile method etc.

Characteristics :
The application is simple, separate adhesive is not required.
Numerous workers are not required. Construction cost is inexpensive.
Rust generation will be suppressed as it has anti-rust effect of steel members.
Saving of construction cost will be significant due to the re-use of the H beam which has been supposed to be buried. 
Steel members can be stored in clean state as the concrete or foreign material at the protection film section is removed easily.

Application :
Hbeam extraction coating agent 
Collected H beam anti-rust agent

- When using as H beam extraction coating agent 2~3 m2/kg 
  When Hbeam per 1 CAN is -300 x 200 X 10x15, apply 25-30M.
- When using as collected H beam anti-rust agent 10~20 m2/kg

Application method :
- When using as newel post extraction coating agent 
  Removal of foreign material: Remove foreign material stuck to the H beam. 
  Erection of Hbeam: Erect H beam with support. 
  Dissolution: Dissolve the lower section of packaged container with direct flame like torch etc. 
  Coating: Perform the coating of the completely dissolved liquid phase product to the H beam with sprayer or roller etc.

- When using as collected H beam anti-rust agent Remove foreign materials such as concrete or soil from the H beam.
  Dissolution: Dissolve the lower section of packaged container with direct flame like torch etc. 
  Coating: Perform the coating of the completely dissolved liquid phase product to the H beam with sprayer or roller etc.

Application process :
- The process of coating the film
  Perform the coating of the product after laying the steel member on the floor.
- The process of boring and inserting
  Perform the boring with single shaft & triple shafts equipments.
- The process of extraction
  Post insertion and extraction of H-pile with extraction equipment

Cautions :
As the temperature of product is high during the dissolution process, contact to the skin shall be prohibited. Be careful about fire.

Reference item :
The space which is created after the extraction of the H beam shall be filled with the non-shrinkage grout agent of this company or with the cement milk by utilizing the expansion agent.