Hydrogen gas

● Properties and characteristics

- The lightest of all gases, hydrogen is colorless, tasteless and odorless. The particle size of hydrogen is also smallest among gases. Hydrogen compounds formed when hydrogen combines with other elements are the most commonly existing compounds in the world. Hydrogen gas is flammable with a large explosion range, and also has excellent diffusivity and reducibility to saturate the unsaturated linkage parts of organic compounds. Such characteristics of hydrogen are widely used in fields such as electronics, chemicals, metals, glass, foods, oil and fat.

1) Chemical name


2) Molecular Formula


3) Molecular Weight


4) Sublimation Point


5) Density

Gas 0.0899kg/m3 (0 °c, 1atm) / Liquid 0.0710kg / L (-252.9 °c, 1atm)>

6) Critical Temperature

-240.0 °c

7) Critical Pressure


8) Critical density


9) Fusion point

-259.14 °c (1atm)

10) Specific Gravity

Gas : 0.0695(Air =1.25 °c), 1atm)

Supply purity

● Manufacturing capacity


Raw materials supplier

Manufacturing procedure

Manufacturing capacity (per day)

Storage capacity

Daesan factory

Lotte Chemical

Dehydration procedure / naphtha cracking

76,800 Nm3

47 cartridges (As of February 2014)

* Supply available nationwide via partnership with hydrogen manufacturer operating at Yeocheon Industrial Complex

● Supply method

▶ Pipe Line
Supply by constructing underground pipe network (on-site)
▶ Cylinder
Supply by delivering containers using cars (when supplying small amounts: 40ℓ, 47ℓ)
▶ Cartridge
Supply through cartridges (when supplying large amounts: 40ft, 30ft)

※ Following the amount of use, storage tanks and usage facilities are supported.

● cautions while handling 


Standard Cartridge

Jumbo Cartridge



9.2m X 2.5m X 3.0m

9.2m X 2.5m X 3.5m

12.4m X 2.5m X 3.3m

Scheduled for expansion following client demands

Capacity in gas

2,600 Nm3

3,600 Nm3(30ft)

4,100 Nm3(40ft)

Maximum charging pressur




Retention status




● Use

- Manufacturing semiconductors, LEDs, optical fibers, polysilicons
- Manufacturing rocket fuels, automotive fuel cells, liquid fuel- Synthesizing ammonia, hydrochloric acid, methanol
- Adding hydrogen in petrochemical process
- Cutting and welding metals with hydrogen flames
- Metal heat-processing and annealing
- Processing platinum, quartz