HS-VOC(for reducing VOCs/THCs)

Application Field

- Chemical Factory, Automobile Painting, Paint Manufacturing Company, Wire Manufacturing, Plastic Film/Bottle Manufacturing, Sewage and Excreta Treatment Plant, Polluted Soil Treatment, Reducing of Vapors after Sterilizing at Commercial Hospital, Food Manufacturing Factory, Print House, Fiber Dyeing, Building Air Cleaning Unit, Noxious Gas Treatment being generated at a Semi-Conductor or Flat Display (OLED&LCD/TFT) Manufacturing Factory, Other Sources, etc.

● Characteristic

▶ Appearance : Honeycomb
 Standard Size : 150x150x50~150mm
 Color : Dark gray
 Cell density : 200cpsi~400cpsi

● Appearance

● Reaction Mechanism



TVOCs / Total Volatile Organic Compounds

VOC + O2 → xCO2 + yH2O

THCs / Total Hydro Carbons

CxHy + O2 → xCO2 + yH2O