ZymoBIOMICS DNA Miniprep Kit


- Ultra-pure, inhibitor-free DNA from many microbiomic sample types (feces, soil, water, biofilms, swabs, body fluid, etc.) that is ideal for all downstream applications including PCR, arrays, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and shotgun sequencing.
- Innovative lysis system enables efficient and unbiased lysis of microbes including Gram-positive/negative bacteria, fungus, protozoans, and algae for accurate microbial community profiling.

● Description

- The ZymoBIOMICS DNA Kits are designed for purifying DNA from a variety of sample inputs that is immediately ready for microbiome or metagenome analyses. The ZymoBIOMICS lysis system eliminates bias associated with unequal lysis efficiencies of different organisms (e.g. Gram-negative/positive bacteria, fungus, protozoans, and algae) making it ideal for microbial community profiling. Uniform mechanical lysis of tough microbes is achieved by bead beating with the innovative ultra-high density Bashing Beads.This kit is equipped with our OneStep PCR Inhibitor removal technology, enabling PCR reaction from inhibitor-rich environmental samples. Purified DNA ideal for all downstream applications including PCR, arrays, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and shotgun sequencing. DNA Size is 15-20 kb.

▶ Accurate Community Profiling
The ZymoBIOMICS® DNA Mini Kit provides accurate representation of the organisms extracted from the ZymoBIOMICS® Microbial Community Standard.

▶ Superior Yields
The ZymoBIOMICS DNA Miniprep Kit provides superior yields when compared to Suppliers M, P, and Q.