Microbes _ KS Bacillus
▶ Fat Hydrolyzing
- It has very high capacity of fat catalyzing (N-nucleic acid decreasing) by lipase. Vegetable fat and protein can be 100% hydrolyzed under the
condition of PH 5, 30° C, and 48 hours.
▶ Fermentation Stimulating and Deodorizing
- When using for dung, the organic matter is quickly hydrolyzed. It decreases bad smell and stimulates fermentation.
▶ Making organs well activated and getting rid of various germs
- It performs organ recovery and killing germs in the animal's body and discharges the harmful matters out of the body as in state of sporogony spore.
▶ Purgation of Soil
- It helps proliferation of the helpful microbes (yeast fungi, latic acid bacterium, ray fungi) to make fertile and productive soil.
▶ Treatment of Waste Water
- Since it can hydrolyze the organic matter in waste water, it can be used for biological treatment of raste water.