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We, MSC, produce additives, corrosion inhibitors, cleaners, activators and a catalyst as well as eco friendly products relatated to electronic components, such as semi-conductor, PCB and celluar phone

118B-15L 688-5, Gojan-dong, Namdong-gu, Incheon

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Business Owner

Kim Dong-hoon






Our company not only focuses on the production of eco-friendly products related to electronic components such as semiconductors, PCBs and mobile phones, but also develops and produces additives, rust inhibitors, degreasing agents, and active & catalysts. In addition, in recognition of the excellence of our products, our products are exporting electronic component-related drugs to Southeast Asia, Japan, and China.


Address118B-15L 688-5, Gojan-dong, Namdong-gu, Incheon
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