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Sujeong Hitech

Since Sujeonghitec was established 1999.08.15 we success to develop and manufacture related with acryl products such as Acryl cutting machine,Acryl polishing machine,Laminate machine for LCD, Router .

Bucheon Daewoo Techno Park D Building 6th Floor 261, Doyak-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

Inquiry wish

Company name

Sujeong Hitech

Business Owner

Jeongsu Jeon





we are pleased to supply wood working machine after we have been tried to develop it for a year. Our company motto is sincerity to all products with our whole mind put to our machines. Thanks to my user, our company and products are qualified and proven in market.


AddressBucheon Daewoo Techno Park D Building 6th Floor 261, Doyak-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

Chemical Machine

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